Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Saddam's Fault Iraq Is A Mess?

Since many stupid people who do not care about the state of our country only want to pimp themselves in the comments section, all attempts at self pimping have been deleted and comments are now moderated. You would think America could not possibly be this stupid or inattentive. No wonder America and our freedom have died.

Did we miss something here?

Saddam is not the one responsible for the way Iraqis view Americans. Saddam did not have the kind of guerilla fighting as there is in Iraq at present. Our own PENTAGON issued a report putting the U.S. invasion of Iraq as being the reason that Iraq has become a terrorist hotspot...if you do not believe it, look it up for yourself or I can post a link to the pdf file. The list goes on for things that the US has done to provoke violence...

Yet George W. Bush says...

Iraq's instability "is the legacy of Saddam -- a tyrant who exacerbated ethnic divisions to keep himself in power."

REALLY... considering that the Bush administration has done that very thing here at home, I do not see him doing anything more than attempting to blame Saddam for the havok his administration has caused.

"I know that the work in Iraq is really difficult," Bush said, adding that a free Iraq in the Middle East is important to the security of America.

How will a free Iraq make the U.S. safer? They were not a threat before we invaded them, no matter what stupidity Bush and Co. tried to make us believe that they fabricated...WMD, mushroom clouds, etc.

If troops were withdrawn now, Iraq would turn into a safe haven for terrorists, who could arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction and could attack moderate governments in the Middle East

SURE...Israel is a MODERATE government...they got nukes of their own. Once again...WE made Iraq a hotbed for terrorists...our own government studies have indicated this as FACT.

We will now attempt to frighten America again with threats of imagined WMD like we did before so we can do what we want because Americans are incredibly stupid and gullible (all we have to do is find Jesus long enough to make more money and quickly lose him again when the camera is turned off.)

The quotes I have posted came from an article here.

Our founding fathers created our government to work for and take care of the people. It is beyond understanding why the Republican party has turned that concept completely around. It is now the people's job to take care of and provide for the politicians of the U.S. government.

To blame the previous dictator (which we installed) after we invade a soveriegn country and unseat him (he was going to sell Iraq's oil to everybody but the U.S.) is beyond asinine...and this is who the Republican party has turned on the citizens of America for? Did he ever graduate from Kindergarten?

Does not sound like it.


At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:13 PM, Blogger Myst said...

This is a serious subject...not a corner for pimping oneself.

5 comments from the same person within minutes, trying to sell something...pathetic.

No wonder our freedoms and democracy have eroded...our country does not mean anything next to the almighty dollar.

Bush and buddies seem to think so, too. Too bad...

At 9:01 AM, Blogger About-Bible said...

The mess in Iraq is the fault of the Christians from the west, who are constanlty trying to pick a fight with muslim countries.

have a look at what the Western countries have done to the innocent muslims of Iraq.

This mess that Iraq is in at the moment, the western fools are making excuses up to cover the mistakes they have made by invading Iraq and slaghtering thousands of innocent muslims.

Whers is this weapons of mass destruction which US, and UK said that Iraq had and could launch strikes in 15 mins, this shows how full of rubbish the intelligence reports was.



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